A Night To Remember: New Year Celebration With Bajra Family

Bajra Technologies
Bajra Technologies Blog
6 min readJan 18, 2024


The new year is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. It is also a time to cherish our bonds with our loved ones, and for us at Bajra, that means our Bajra family.

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our dedicated team, whose commitment has shaped our success and has been the driving force behind our success.

As we welcome the new year, Bajra Technologies proudly reflects on nearly 13 years of innovation and hard work. Our sights are on the future, with Bajra Technologies aspiring to become an AI-driven company. The journey ahead is going to be of innovation and limitless possibilities. It’s an exciting journey into uncharted territory, and we’re thrilled to lead the way.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our clients, partners, and stakeholders. Your trust fuels our progress. Here’s to another year of continued collaboration, growth, and shared success. Thank you for being a part of Bajra Technologies’ remarkable story.

We are more than just a team of professionals working together, but a family that supports, learns, and grows from each other. Likewise, we share our joys, sorrows, successes, failures, dreams, and aspirations. Amidst everything, we also know how to have fun and make memories.

So, to celebrate the new beginnings, we decided to have a grand party night full of laughter, music, games, and delicious food at the Imperial Banquet, KL Tower, Chabahil.

Bajra’s Grand Gathering: The Party Begins

The party, organized by our Bajra Social Council (BSC), was an opportunity to ensure everyone had a great time saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new year. They guaranteed all the Bajra Beings’ presence at the gathering on time by arranging a bus for everyone to reach the venue comfortably.

The event was set for 5 PM after we wrapped up our office hours at 4 PM, two hours earlier than usual.

After everyone reached the venue, Rakshya Koirala greeted the incomers and inaugurated the event with warm and welcoming words, thanking everyone for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Then, we heard from Shreyan Poudyal, our esteemed President, who delivered an inspiring speech. He shared the achievements and future goals of the company and where the company stands now compared to the previous years.

Shreyan praised everyone for their contributions, encouraging everyone to keep up the outstanding work and expressing his gratitude to clients, partners, and stakeholders for their trust and support.

Spotlight on Excellence: Bajra’s Stars Shine Bright!

After the speeches, it was time for the awards and recognitions. Like every year, the Bajra had selected extraordinary performers, named Rockstars and Rising Stars, from the company.

While a few committee members of Bajra select the Rising Star, there is a voting system all year for all employees to choose Bajra Rockstar award winners. Nishant Karki, CEO of Bajra, presented all the awards.

Rockstars and Rising Stars

The Rockstars and Rising Stars are the ones who have shown exceptional performance, leadership, and innovation in their respective fields, going above and beyond their duties and responsibilities. They are the ones who have made a positive impact on the company and society.

Slice of Joy: Festive New Year and Birthday Blend

The night’s highlight was the New Year cake, presented and cut by our Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The cake looked beautiful with the Bajra logo and the words “Happy New Year.” We all joined in the countdown to the new year and shouted for fresh beginnings as we entered the year with new dreams and joy.

Blend of New Year and Birthday Cake

The cake-cutting was also a special moment for Aayush Bati, Director of Solution Delivery, who also had his birthday that day. He cut the cake, and the venue buzzed with birthday cheers for him, with celebrations all around.

Beat, Bingo, and Bliss: A New Year Bash!

We played musical chairs and bingo for fun games, which were entertaining and competitive. Meanwhile, we also enjoyed dance and music, with unlimited soft and hard drinks.

The stakes were high in the musical chair, with two QFX tickets awaiting the victor, making it more vying. We saw everyone let loose and give their best to claim the chair. Yet, when the music stopped with the last chair there to claim, the spirit of camaraderie shone brighter. The finalists decided to share the prize despite whoever the winner would be.

Meanwhile, the excitement was palpable in the Bingo game, with many prizes up for grabs, such as Unlucky 21, Lucky 7, first row, second row, third row, full-house, and four corner winners. The competition was fierce as everyone hoped someone would draw their lucky ticket numbers from the ballot box.

The BSC had prepared a ballot box with balls numbered from 1 to 100, randomly picked by the participants and circled on their tickets if they had the matching number. Two BSC members, Abhishek Dangol and Nawaraj Prasain, volunteered to host the game, adding more suspense and fun with their quirky gestures and riddles in between.

The winners were cheered with applause as they received their gifts at the end, a phenomenal way to bond and have a blast.

Feast, Footsteps, and Family Vibes: Bajra’s Dinner and Dance Delight

The dinner buffet was also ready by 8 PM, with lots of delicious food, where we had a rainbow of irresistible and comforting dishes to choose from, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. We ate and chatted with each other, sharing our stories and experiences.

With each bite, we tasted different flavors. Yet, as the plates cleared and the last bites savored, the night was far from over. The music called us again, and the dance floor was our place to have fun.

We danced and laughed, and cameras flashed, making each moment last forever. Selfies showed not just our faces but our feelings of friendship and love that grew stronger, a sign of the Bajra family spirit keeping us together.

From Celebration to Forever: Bajra’s Lasting New Year Memories

The party ended at 10 PM, but the memories we made will shine in our hearts forever. The happiness we felt was more than fun but a deep feeling of being together and one as part of the Bajra family. Each of us, a part of this beautiful picture, felt the love and power of our group.

Bajra Beings Together

Thankfulness filled our hearts, and pride grew for all we accomplished together. As the New Year called us, the past year became a space and time mixed with cheering and challenging times where we stood together with resilience. For we knew, with the familial bond, there was nothing we could not do.

Happy New Year From the Bajra Family!

