Bajra Weekly #15 — Farewell 2016, Beer Pong, Annual Review, Site Hawk

Suman Raj Sharma
Bajra Blogs
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2017


Farewell, 2016! Ending 2016 with Beer Pong was indeed a great idea, which stacked another good memory here at Bajra. Thank you, Niraj dai for the plan and thank you Sushant, Dhurba and Sajan for the execution.

I was on the losing side and therefore got the chance to drink MORE. All the credit goes to Prabhat and his pin-point accuracy. I shall always remember those last 2 cups of beer that he made me drink.

“Yo Clutch ho, Yo Brake ho ani yo Accelerator” — Pragun

After the game, Pragun gave Dhurba some driving tips saying “Yo Clutch ho, Yo Brake ho ani yo Accelerator” while Dhurba was leaving on his bike as he apparently thought that Dhurba forgot to ride after getting drunk. Hopefully, everyone reached their destination safely and on time.

Want to know who drank how much? Look at the infographic

PANIC MODE is ON among BajraBeings as the Annual review has been scheduled and we are supposed to fill up the self-evaluation and appraisal form. Here are some of the hilarious reactions when they viewed the evaluation form for the first time.

“Kahiley garnu naparney kaam garnu paryo 😵 😵” — Shivesh Dai
“Suman Dai! Suman dai! mero form vardisyo na 😝 😝” — Loomila
“Herdaii navarau jasto 😤 😤” — Sushant
“Hyaaaeeeeeiiii! Dikka Lagdo 😞 😞” — Pragun
“OMG! 😓 😓” — Prerana
“THREEeeeee pages!! Ani tyo ni sabai bibechanaatmak uttarrr 😠 😠” — Ankur

Site Granny’s name has been changed to Site Hawk for some technical difficulties faced during SEO.

Granny transformed to Hawk

Lastly, wish you folks a very Happy New Year 2017. Drink Responsibly!
Happy Weekend!

