Bajra Weekly #24: It’s been a while but we’re back..

Abhishek Dangol
Bajra Technologies Blog
2 min readSep 18, 2017


It’s been a while but we’re back..
First things first, let me take this opportunity to wish Degendra dai a very happy married life.

A lot of things have kept us busy at Bajra recently and that might be one of the reasons for the delayed blogs (apart for my slight laziness). Let’s start with the best then, “Degendra dai’s marriage”.

the happy groom

We BajraBeings had a blast at Degendra dai’s wedding. Here are some of the snapshots of Bajrabeings attending the wedding.

folks from bajra attending the marriage

I would like to welcome our new intern and my friend Laxmi to Bajra Technologies.

We also had a written test for new internship intakes. So I guess we’ll be seeing new faces in Bajra very soon.

Now the last but not the least “Friday Fun Activity” where we played ‘group chungi’. I was quite surprised to find out that day that boys at Bajra played better chungi than girls. :D

So I guess that’s it for this edition of Bajra Weekly. Hope you have a great week ahead and do keep checking into Bajra Weekly.

